Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Welcome to my blog! Happy April. Can’t you smell spring in the air? Here in Upstate, New York its been a long cold snowy winter. We are all more than ready for some Easter Bonnets and Easter Lilies and daffodils and tulips and all that means spring. I hope you all enjoy the latest contest I’m participating in with some author buddies. You should have by now been to Silver James blog yesterday to get the scoop (if you haven’t then go back and visit her blog at

Just for coming by today I'm going to give one lucky person a copy of my book, "Beauty and the Geek" either in print or ebook form. Simply leave a comment here tell me how you know that spring has come to your part of town. For me, when the weather starts to wram up I love getting the laundry on the line and pulling out the deck furniture. Even if its still a bit too chilly to sit on the deck, just seeing the furniture back out makes me realize that the warm weather is just around the corner.

I won’t be around this weekend, but I promise to get in touch with the winner on Monday and get your free copy of “Beauty and the Geek” out to you. Along with that I'm sending lots of goodies out for the main grand prize too.

Thanks for coming by now your next stop needs to be over at Skhye Moncrief

The rules to this contest are as follows Enjoy!


A TISKET A TASKET, PUT ROMANCE IN YOUR BASKET Spring is in the air! Bees are buzzing. Children anxiously await the big morning where they can graze on candy all day. What about mom? We've got a treat for you! Come join a group of romance authors in celebration of spring. Enter to win a prize a day as well as enter to win the grand prize. All you need do is begin at Silver James' blog on April 1st at Silver will host the day's contest and provide the link to the next day's location. Don't forget to enter to win the grand prize!

Here's the dirt... A TISKET A TASKET, PUT ROMANCE IN YOUR BASKET Grand Prize:To enter to win prizes from the authors donating treasures to the grand prize (see each day's post for what an author is donating to the grand prize), find the four Easter eggs in the A TISKET A TISKET, PUT ROMANCE IN YOUR BASKET blog event.

You will be searching for a special egg. Just visit all of the authors' websites, locate the 4 eggs, make a list of their locations by pasting the urls to the website pages in an e-mail, then send the entry to by midnight CST on May 1st, 2009.

The winner will be randomly drawn and announced May 2nd at Tip #1, subscribe to to learn if you're the winner!

And don't worry. If you start in on the blog event late, just head back to Silver James' blog on April 1st at to begin your website search for the Easter eggs. Don't miss the fun! See you next to the burgundy tulips.


Anonymous said...

All the pollen in the air is a sure sign of spring. :-D
In our area we also start having a lot of festivals.

Nancy Bristow said...

Cherry blossoms are a sure sign of spring in this neck of the woods but the consistent warmer days aren't really here yet in VA.

Sarita Leone said...

We found crocuses blooming a few days ago. Finally! Now that's a sure sign of spring here. :-)

Sharon Donovan said...

I know spring is in the air when the birds wake me up. And I also like breaking out the patio furniture and sitting in the sun after a cold Pittsburgh winter. That hasn't quite happened yet. It's still cold and rainy. Sure hope the chill doesn't kill off the tulips!

bison61 said...

I can't wait for spring-right now we are recovering slowly from a flood and about 10 inches of new snow-I have seen robins in my yard

tiramisu392 (at)

Unknown said...

The minute I wake and can't see through blurry eyes and then I hear my own AHHHHHCHOOOOO! THAT'S when I know it's Spring. I really do love the sunshine and hearing the birds sing though. The plants in my front yard start to bloom and it seems like the whole world is coming alive once again.

I hope your surgery goes well.

Silver James said...

Good luck on the surgery, Roni. Sending healing thoughts your way!

Spring here is a rollercoaster. Daffodils and robins are usually a good indicator but the sure sign is when the wisteria vine covers the giant oak tree in my yard with delicate bracts and drops of lavender blossoms.

Skhye said...

I used to put the clothes on the line because I'm cheap and didn't have to run the dryer. That exchange has passed with time. I just throw the clothes in the dryer now!

Emma Lai said...

I know spring has come to Houston when I walk about my door dressed for 40 degree weather and find out that it's already in the 70s.

I've already got my copy of Beauty and the Geek, but I still wanted to play!

Anne said...

I know spring is here when the tree outside my bedroom window starts to get leaves and the birds wake me up.

kerribookwriter said...

Roni, good luck on your sugery. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs 2 you!

On the Spring front...I know that it is here because I start sneezing, rubbing my eyes, and breaking out in hives! LOL Yep, I have terrible seasonal allergies and when things start do I!

Last year at this time, I bloomed with the birth of my 2nd daughter and today she turns 1 year old! It is so unbelievable that a whole year has passed by! Life is really, truly too short not to be appreciated.

My motto...Carpe Kleenex! LOL

Enjoying the TisketTasket blog event!

tetewa said...

Can finally go outside without wearing boots or gloves!

char10 said...

I know spring's here when I see the first robin and hear the frogs croaking

Pam P said...

Good luck with the surgery, Roni, and fast healing.

I'm in the NE, and we start seeing signs of spring with some flowers budding and trees starting to sprout leaves, and longer, sunnier days with the start of daylight savings time.

Judy said...

Here in the south, you know the cold weather is gone when the pecan trees start budding.

Hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery!!

Kim S. said...

Hope all goes well with your surgery! Best wishes!

I know it's spring here when the forsythia's start blooming and the lilac's are right behind! But this year is a weird forsythia's so far, the lilac's are starting to bud, and I've already hung my first load of sheets out on the line!!