Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can you tell what's on my mind this month? In addition to celebrating my latest book, "Cowboy Comes Home" which is the second in the Double B series, I'm also dealing with the deployment of our son, Brennan, shown here with me and my husband. We couldn't be more proud or more worried about our 19 year old Marine. When someone out there says how bad the "kids today are", I'd love for them to meet some of the guys we know. It will be a long 2009 for our family as Brennan heads to Iraq not to return until Thanksgiving, but I know a lot of you are praying for him and his buddies and I'll keep busy writing and reading and posting.

I hope to be a better blogger this year and I hope to ramp up the promotion of my books.

For any other military moms or wives out there, stay strong, pray, and hang in there. Its really all we can do.
